About Us
The Ottawa Cameroon Njangui Group (OCNG) is a vibrant community of people who traces their roots to the Southwest and Northwest regions of Cameroon. The group was established in 2006 to provide a forum where Cameroonians in the National Capital Region of Canada can become acquainted with, and to support, one another. We consider each member of OCNG as family and we work hard at creating a community where each member is valued and feel they belong.
Our Vision
Build a community where Cameroonians in the National Capital Region can get mentorship, resources, and support to facilitate their integration to the Canadian society.
Ensure the voice of our community is a significant part of the dialogue in our city.
Harness the breath of our expertise and the trust amongst members as a force multiplier for economic advancement of our community.
Ensure the next generation feel they belong and are empowered to take full ownership of this community.

Leadership Team

Mrs. Gladys Vusi

Mrs. Jennifer Akwenseh
Assistant Coordinator

Mr. Kenneth Sa Fon

Mr. Fidelis Nzengung
Financial Secretary

Mrs. Olivia Meyla-Takoukam

Mrs. Cynthia YY
Social Secretary

Miss Oddete Nehza
Social Secretary

Mr. Edwin Nkengla
Chief Whip
Contact Us
Margaret Rywak Community Center, 68 Knoxdale road,
Ottawa, Ontario, K2G 0W2